Hackathons & Projects

A showcase of my hackathons and project experiences.

Comcast Inquire

Developed a chat assistant leveraging GPT-4 for enhancing Comcast sales and marketing efficiency. Utilized Next.js for server-side rendering, Clerk for authentication, Redis for caching, and Railway for deployment.

Winning project at Philly Codefest.

Team: Pranav Ramesh, Sai Rangineeni

GitHub Repo


Created a centralized platform for university students to discover and track campus events. Built with Next.js for fast and dynamic UI, TailwindCSS for styling, Express.js and Node.js for the backend, Auth0 for authentication, and MongoDB for database management.

Team: 5 members

Hackathon: HackPSU Spring 2024

GitHub Repo

Engineering Projects

CAD Project

Engineered a marble ladder automata using CAD. Crafted with laser cutting and 3D printing techniques.

Pizza Bill Generator

Demonstrated OOP principles through a comprehensive pizza billing system. Included inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism concepts. Built with Java, it calculates the final bill based on selected toppings and extras.

GitHub Repo


Web tool fetching and displaying real-time air quality data using OpenWeatherMap API. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

GitHub Repo

Banking App

Demonstrated OOP principles in a simple banking application. Managed account details, deposits, and withdrawals. Built with Java, it includes account number, balance, and personal information management.

GitHub Repo

Telecommunication Project

Implemented a telecommunication system showcasing advanced Java concepts. Focused on user data management, OOP principles, error handling, and data validation.

GitHub Repo


Created a responsive ice cream store website. Utilized React for UI components, Vite for development build, and TailwindCSS for styling.

GitHub Repo


Developed a tool for generating random gradient backgrounds. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

GitHub Repo


Built a simple cookie clicker game using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

GitHub Repo

Other Projects